LEARNING AND Optimization
Decision-Making for Leaders and Managers
- Decision-making is a core skill for any leader. Learn how to approach your decisions with solid methods that will guide you toward the right and best decisions.
- Reflect and be led in a process of self-awareness of decision-making patterns and learn key thinking skills for use in decision-making alone or discussions that lead to effective decisions with your team. Pre-session homework assessment questions.
- Most effective when leadership and management teams take this training together. Two full days of workshop with 2 follow-up coaching sessions.
- Coaching in decision-making is available virtually for individuals or small teams.
- In-person workshops are available in Europe only – contact us for pricing.
Certified Cultural Intelligence Consulting & Training
- We know that diverse teams are the strongest teams. Engage a cultural intelligence expert to help you build a high-functioning and diverse team.
- Using Cultural Intelligence (https://culturalq.com/) philosophy and materials, get your team with differences understanding and learning so they work together more effectively and more congenially.
1:1 sessions or team sessions.
Requires an online assessment tool with costs.
Length of time: To be determined by each client
- Engagements vary, so contact us to determine cost.
Business Component Optimization
- As a business leader, knowing how you currently operate opens the door to measurable improvements.
- Using business process management (BPM) we will define your key business processes (e.g., Order To Cash, Purchase To Pay, etc.) to learn how the business is currently operating. Once the as-is processes are mapped, then we can analyze where your optimization efforts should be focused. If knowing your current state is sufficient, then you can take the next steps on your own. If you would like guidance your optimization efforts, then we can size up that effort and get busy!
- Initial assessment and scoping: $500 USD